Key Findings from Q1 2019

In Q1, artificial intelligence proved it’s not just a buzzword – it’s having a major influence on revenue. Shoppers who acted on Einstein-powered product recommendations averaged 26% higher average order values (AOV) compared to shoppers who didn’t engage with them.

Traffic only grew 2% in this quarter, but shopper spend increased 10%. That means shoppers’ visits are less frequent, but more productive. On average, visitors converted and spent more than last year. Retailers have an increasingly short window of time to win shoppers’ attention.

Speaking of lightning-fast digital journeys, the amount of time shoppers spend on ecommerce sites continues to decline across regions and subverticals, from luxury to active apparel. On all devices, shoppers’ average time spent per visit is down more than 30% in Q1, compared to Q1 five years ago.

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Digital Commerce Growth

The Year-Over-Year (YoY) change in revenue on a per-period basis, for instance Q1 2019 over Q1 2018.

Order and Traffic Growth by Device

Order Growth by Device: The change in number of orders placed from each device, expressed as a percentage.

Traffic Growth by Device: The change in number of visits from each device, expressed as a percentage.


All Verticals


Shopper Spend

The per-visit average amount spent by a shopper.


All Verticals

Buying Intent

Buying intent quantifies the level of interest an aggregate set of shoppers express during their shopping journey within the analysis period. There are two aggregate shopper groups measured: 1.) Buyers, i.e. shoppers that made a purchase(s), and 2.) Active Shoppers, i.e. shoppers that expressed a buying signal but did not place an order. Buying signals include orders, checkout starts, baskets created, and site searches.


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Active Shoppers

Order Share and Traffic Share by Device

Order Share: The share of orders placed on each device, expressed as a percentage.

Traffic Share: The share of visits on each device, expressed as a percentage.

Due to rounding, values may not sum to 100%.


All Verticals


Average Order Value, Discount Rate and Free Shipping

Average Order Value: The per-order amount spent by the shopper.

Discount Rate: The share of an order amount that was reduced due to merchandise or order discounts. This value does not include product markdowns or reductions in shipping cost.

Free Shipping: The share of total orders that shipped at no cost to the shopper, expressed as a percentage.


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AOV ($)
discount rate
free shipping

Product Assortment Growth

The change in total number of unique items purchased by the aggregate shopper set.


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Social Traffic

The share of visits where the referring source is a social media platform.


All Verticals


Visit Duration

The per-visit average amount of time spent on site by shoppers, in minutes.


All Verticals


Mobile Order and Traffic Share by Operating System

Order Share by Operating System: The share of mobile orders placed with each operating system, expressed as a percentage.

Traffic Share by Operating System: The share of mobile visits with each operating system, expressed as a percentage.

Share values are not exhaustive of all operating systems and do not sum to 100%. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. iOS is a trademark of Apple Inc.


All Verticals



To qualify for inclusion in the analysis set, a digital commerce site must have transacted throughout the analysis period, in this case Q1 2017 through Q1 2019, and meet a monthly minimum visit threshold. Additional data hygiene factors are applied to ensure consistent metric calculation.

Data footnotes are noted inline throughout the report to provide additional clarity on analysis.

The Shopping Index is published quarterly.

Any forecasts noted within the Shopping Index are forward-looking projections based on current and prior values and as such should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results.

The Shopping Index is not indicative of the operational performance of the Salesforce Commerce Cloud or its reported financial metrics including GMV growth and comparable customer GMV growth.

Shopping Activity

Digital Commerce Sites

Countries Represented

Million Shoppers

Billion Visits

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